ALCFXgroup is a team of artists and technicians led by Andrea Leanza and Denise Boccacci, specialised in make-up & Prosthetics design, Special make-up effects, Creatures, Sculpture, Mouldmaking, Painting, Lifecasting, Prototyping, Scientific Reconstruction, Special Props & Costumes...
...anything creative you may need, just ask!
2014 The marine dragon (12mt long) Waterclay sculpt over polystirene. Lead artist/creature co-supervisor for Makinarium
2014 The marine dragon's heart. Plastiline sculpt. Lead artist/creature co-supervisor for Makinarium
2013 Chavant NSP clay sculpt for a newborn silicone doll. Check making-of pics at link below
2012 Tristan "Schoony" Schoonraad's Boy soldier restyling.
2012 Tristan "Schoony" Schoonraad's Boy soldier restyling.
2012 Tristan "Schoony" Schoonraad's Boy soldier restyling.
2012 Tristan "Schoony" Schoonraad's Boy soldier restyling.
2012 Tristan "Schoony" Schoonraad's Boy soldier restyling.
2010 Chavant NSP medium clay sculpt. Belly's scales detail. Scientific reconstruction following paleontologist Simone Maganuco's directions. Lead artist/art supervisor for Geomodel
2010 Polystirene sculpt refining and texturing. I sculpted a 1/10scale detailed maquette that had been scanned and data were transferred to a CNC milling machine to get the lifesize scale polystirene base. Scientific reconstruction (8mt long, 5,5mt height) following paleontologist Simone Maganuco's directions. Lead artist/art supervisor for Geomodel
2009 Polystirene sculpt from scratch starting from the blocks. Lead artist/Art supervisor for Geomodel