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ALCFXgroup is a team of artists and technicians led by Andrea Leanza and Denise Boccacci, specialised in make-up & Prosthetics design, Special make-up effects, Creatures, Sculpture, Mouldmaking, Painting, Lifecasting, Prototyping, Scientific Reconstruction, Special Props & Costumes...
...anything creative you may need, just ask!

2005 D-20 dice holder, metal cast. Prototype sculpted in milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white

2005 Miniature prototype sculpted in Milliput white for metal cast production

2004 Diorama for miniature RPG. Urethane foam, epoxy resin, cling film, acrylics

2004 Diorama for miniature RPG. Urethane foam, epoxy resin, cling film, acrylics

2004 Diorama for miniature RPG. Urethane foam, epoxy resin, cling film, acrylics
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