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ALCFXgroup is a team of artists and technicians led by Andrea Leanza and Denise Boccacci, specialised in make-up & Prosthetics design, Special make-up effects, Creatures, Sculpture, Mouldmaking, Painting, Lifecasting, Prototyping, Scientific Reconstruction, Special Props & Costumes...
...anything creative you may need, just ask!
DILOPHOSAURUS wetherilli - 2007
Polystirene, apoxie sculpt, glass eyes, acrylics
Produced by Mauro Scaggiante's Geomodel.
Sculpted out of a block of polystirene, covered with epoxy resin clay, textured little by little following curing time, painted with acrylics.
Scientific supervisor: Paleontologist Simone Maganuco from Natural History Museum of Milan.

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